Thursday, June 19, 2008


To: My beloved

First of all i wanna say that i was really miss u n love u.. I was really hope that we will be together till the end. But i was always scare if that would not be like i want it to be... I know that we must always think positive.. but it was a logic thing... here is just for u.. just read it n think about that :

00.22 a.m.(03.april.07)


Disaat ini tika aku termenung sendiri,
Aku mengharapkan kehadiranmu disisi,
Untuk menemani diri ini,
Dan untuk mengubat sepi dihati...

Tika ini andai kau ada disisi,
Ingin ku tidur berbantalkan lengan mu,
Ingin ku dengar dodoian suara mu,
Ingin ku berselimutkan pelukkan mu,
Ingin ku lena bermimpikan mu....

Bagai Adam dan Hawa......

Andai aku dicipta dari rusuk kiri mu,
Jadikan aku permaisuri mu,
Manjakan aku dengan kasih sayang mu,
Didiklah aku dengan tanggungjawab mu,
Tenangkan aku dengan keikhlasan mu....

Andai aku bukan dicipta untuk mu,
Carilah peganti melebihi aku,
Sayangi,cintai dan kasihinya melebihi ku.....

00.38 a.m.
Always love u....

*who that ???

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............ emmm yesterday actually not yesterday r.. I got a nightmare... waaa so takot oooo... I was dreaming about my mummy, she was pregnant... dah nk bersalin plak 2... Hopefully that dream just being a dream.... kalo x jtuh r my "saham"hehehe

Monday, June 16, 2008


Tuesday 17 June 2008...

My kepala was start to pening
Because the econ was not working

Why the KLMU so kedekut....??

My kepala was start to pening
Because tomorrow i got a JAVA testing

Why my result is too bad...??

My kepala was start to pening
Because next week i got a presentation grouping

Why so many work to do...??

My kepala was was start to pening
Because next module i got specialist to think

Uwaaaa xnak blaja...

My kepala was start to pening
Because dont know what to write at this bloging....

My Baby U – Marc Anthony

As I look into your eyes
I see all the reasons why
My life worth a thousand skies
You're the simplest love I've known
And the purest one I'll own
Know you'll never be alone

My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
Baby you
There's no more just getting by
You're the reason I feel so alive
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground

Repeat Chorus

I will soo the you if you fall
I'll be right there if you call
You're my greatest love of all

Repeat Chorus

Arianna I feel so alive

ker ker ker....

keganasan kesemakinan keterselahan
kenapa kebetulan kesemuanya keterbelakuan???
kesunyian, kegelisahan, keserabutan kecampuran kegundahan...
kematian kehampiran...
ketakutan kemenjadian keakrapan kedalaman kehidupan
kepada kesiapaan ku keperluan kepertolongan??
ketaqwaan kesemakinan kehilangan
kejahilan kesemakinan keberkuasaan
kekerdilan kemenjadian kelemahan...
kerujukan ku kehilangan
kecahayaan kesemakinan kegelapan.....