Monday, June 16, 2008


Tuesday 17 June 2008...

My kepala was start to pening
Because the econ was not working

Why the KLMU so kedekut....??

My kepala was start to pening
Because tomorrow i got a JAVA testing

Why my result is too bad...??

My kepala was start to pening
Because next week i got a presentation grouping

Why so many work to do...??

My kepala was was start to pening
Because next module i got specialist to think

Uwaaaa xnak blaja...

My kepala was start to pening
Because dont know what to write at this bloging....


Alyani said...

aku pun dah start pening bila duk fikiq pa yang ko fikiq

cutty said...

why so many word "pening" at ur blog..for do ur self tomorrow in exam...keep ur result very well..

Lindsay L Lawrence said...

kepalak kawe pun pening juga dri tadi..ingatkan perkara biasa je..& pening ni berlarutan la.. all the best sok..

sunnyside up said...

Be thankful you still have a head . At least you can still get a headache. Thats what the management will tell you.